Wednesday, November 11, 2009

being productive.

Bonjour mes cheries!
Happy Veterans Day! I spent my lovely day off sleeping in, going to the mall, eating junk food and kinda-sorta making dinner. So.. what a perfect time to update my blog! Before I get slammed with school work and midterms again, right?

Halloween came... and left with a blink of an eye! I feel like people plan so much for halloween, like looking for costumes, even costuming as a group, looking for events to do and what not. Some people really do go all out! I did feel like there were wayy too many Lady Gaga's this year. Anyway so this year I decided to be festive and bake halloween goodies! They weren't the greatest cos I had a midterm that week and I just used this for procrastination :)

Meet Frankie! He was actually my least favorite cookie cutter shape, cos he was just so big and bulky, and I thought he was going to be boring. :( Sorry Frankster! But it turns out he was actually the most fun to decorate, and I think, the best outcome.

Next is Jack! (Jack, the Jack-o-lantern), I know, not super creative... I used candy corn for the eyes and black licorice for the mouth. I had to cut it up into strands, it was pretty time consuming! I coudln't find black drawing icing anywhere! -_- And most people I know aren't fans of black licorice. Oh well! Here are the rest of the batch:
Frankie's broski's.

what's a halloween cookie batch without some bats?Jack's extended family.
Black cat's are cute and yummay, hardly bad luck if you ask me. The kitty cookie cutter was my favorite at the beginning, but they were pretty difficult to decorate since.. ya know, they were all black O_O. Doesn't the purple sprinkle cat look constipated to you?

So that was the first day of halloween baking. These were just a simple sugar cookie recipe with royal frosting. The cookie cutters only cost me $1 from Target! Gotta love target. I also got the purple sprinkles for 1 dollar!

I wanted to bake halloween cupcakes the same night,but L convinced me not to cos i had to decorate, clean, and most importantly STUDY! Good call! So the next day, I made Red Velvet Cupcakes and sortaa decorated them.

All the frosting is creamcheese, i just died some fo it black to be festive :) and those orange things are halloween peeps! They looked like pumpkins, but they also kinda had ears so I was a little confused.Another black kittyghostie and pumpkin dude
I had some left over batter left, but not enough for another set of cupcakes, so I made red velvet hearts!
yummmyy warm bite-sized goodness if you ask me.

Anyway, this concludes my baking post! It was pretty long! I hope I didn't put you guys to sleep :)



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