Friday, July 16, 2010

Chapstick not working?

Hey guys! I’m finally back after a…. __ month hiatus. Let’s call it a sabbatical.. it sounds more professional..

Anyway! NEW LAYOUT! HOLLA! This one is much more simplified (gasp, me simple, say it aint so!) Although I loved all those clicky link things on top, I just never put them to work.. so something nice and clean to re-inspire me to blog again (plus I have no school = no excuses!)

Ever wonder why you keep putting on your lip balm/chapstick, and it doesn’t make you feel any better? Do you find yourself reapplying time and time again to get no relief from chapped lips?

The problem might be your lip balm! Some lip products, such as Carmex contain an ingredient called Phenol or Phenyl Alcohol. No chemistry degree needed, we all know how drying alcohol can be, it evaporates! This severely dries your lips out, causing you to reapply after a short amount of time.

Ingredients on my mini tub of Carmex

Active Ingredients: Menthol 0.7%, Camphor 1.7%, Phenol 0.4%
Inactive Ingredients: Fragrance in Petrolatum, Lanolin, Cocoa Butter, Salicylic Acid and Wax Base

There it is for you, that Phreakin’ Phenol! I do agree, although I love Carmex for my coldsores (gotta love that Camphor), it does dry me out a bit.. I do feel as the Carmex in the squeezy tubes are less drying though..

Looking for a new chapstick to soothe your pucker? Luckily Burt’s Bees soothing chapsticks do not contain Phenol and will save the day. The growing-ever-so-popular EOS smooth sphere (made popular by Miss Michelle Phan, I wont lie, I got sucked into it too) also don’t contain Phenol and come in a variety of delicious scents! My favorite is “Summer Fruit” I’m trying to collect them like Pokeballs but they’re to hard to find!

Anyway I hope this was a good “return of the beauty blogger post”! Hopefully there will be more to come! Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful summer, and keep those lips smooth!



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