Sunday, October 18, 2009

under construction!

Hi guys!

My apologies for the unfinished site. I liked my old layout, but unfortunately it was brought to my attention that posting comments weren't cooperating, so I switched to a new layout! I might still change it, and none of the links up there work, so please bear with me! Man, I used to be so good at this HTML stuff back in middle school (new xanga layout every 2 weeks baby!), but now I have to resort to getting them from sites and tweaking them to my liking. Hopefully things will be 100% soon!


edit: Okay, so the links up there work, its just that I don't have enough posts X__X for all of them to have something, sorry guys! As for commenting, you have to click on the post's name (so you see just THAT post) and the box should be at the bottom. Hope this works out for everyone! The last thing I need to do is just edit the banner a little cos it just says "ANYTHING".


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